#askmani #COVID19: Disinfection of public spaces in India, as more than a billion people is asked to observe curfew. - This is a #thread 1/7 #StayHome
#askmani However do take note, there’s no evidence to suggest that bleach sprays are effective against the coronavirus, and they could actually be doing more harm than good. #thread 2/7
#askmani Many disinfectants are capable of killing off 99.9% of germs, which is another way of saying that none are 100% effective. #thread 3/7
#askmani Mark Tucker, Chief Scientific Officer, Decon7 Systems: “Chlorine bleach doesn’t actually penetrate bodily fluids. It doesn’t penetrate grease and grime on surfaces, things like that. It doesn’t actually get to the virus.” #thread 4/7
#askmani “If they’re directly inhaling the bleach, that’s not something, you know, you’d want to expose humans to.”

Experts like Mark say these public displays won’t do much to stop the spread of the virus. #thread 5/7
#askmani Tucker: “The coronavirus tends not to last very long outdoors anyway. The most effective disinfectant processes tend to be something that’s done indoor.”

And most disinfectants only last for 24 hours, meaning frequent reapplication is necessary. #thread 6/7
#askmani Until the fear of infection subsides, many residents are taking a more basic – and practical – precaution: staying indoors. #thread 7/7
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