My top ebook/epub sites (kinda illegal but idc) thread 📚

1.  a huge platform where u can search directly on google, just type "author/book vk", its a bit unorganized since it contain posts from diff profiles. Epubs w greater likes are often recommended.
+in vk they also provide audiobooks 🥰

I just recently found this site! 🤧 Its so organized with dates, languages etc. Doesnt have pop-up ads too! Very neat bruh 🤤
I use this for my academic books but u can almost find everything here! 😍 im using this site for a year now. Beware of pop-up ads tho, its kinda annoying imo
When i want to see the trends in book, i often visit this one. Famous for young adult and dystopian books or New York Times Best Selling Authors. 👍 Its also currated
Note: links on this site  doesnt work now coz their source mostly depends on  who recently shut down. Rip my long time friends. 🥺
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