Gen X politics in a nutshell
*starting a pointless fight voice* Xer politics, as expressed in mainstream media is socially liberal finically conservative libertarianism with a venner of woe is me self-effacing pity party. Yiur Matt Parkers or Louis C. k or Kevin Smiths
This is why despite barley making the cut off point, Obama is the Xer President, swept into power after the failure of an older generation and then totally sold out in order to spend more time on yachts. The Silicon Valley President.
Extremly individualist and completely ineffective.
You can talk about Boomer fuck you got mine-ism but they don’t also try to sell you vagina candles and wellness retreats
Again, boomer online madness is beliving the hollow earth is conspiring to give children AIDS, Xer online madness is never being to stop posting or responding, Millennial online madness is me doing this.
Zoomed do not have online madness cause that implies there is separation between online life and not
Part of the reason Democratic Party positions are binomial and everyone is 70 or 20 is partly cause Xers retreated inward away from politics and partly cause anyone who did get invovled had to compromise so much they basiclly a republican now
Also the general boomer refusal to retire did not help
Anyway I hope the dictatorship of the teen cuts my fucking head off. I will be happy to be denounced as a Carbon-heavy reformist
But also that that kind of general trend in Xer politics towards a kind of no rules libertarianism /California Ideaology is really only possible at the high point of an empire, it’s decadent. The intellectually honest people in that became cooperative anarchists or socialists.
I have been told there is an attempt going on to reform the libertarian party into more a left-libtertsrian anarchist mood snd like good luck yiu have a lot of elderly nerds with nothing but time to fight
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