I know it isn’t an “ideal time” to tweet, but for those of you on here, I went to the grocery store today.

There were a lot of beautiful sights along the way and also some good songs.

I wanna share it with you.

Starting with humour: the ultimate #quarantine song (lyrics) 😂
Take a moment and just listen to the wind 🌿
These tree shadows are lovely
“This tree has such good energy”
Video caption: “today’s big adventure is going to the grocery store :)”
Video caption: “I have to wait all around the edge of the parking lot.” Everyone is 6-10 feet apart. In #newzealand, reusable shopping bags aren’t allowed in-store anymore. You have to take a buggy (cart) and repack later.
A few little sparrows were having a dust bath!
Playing in line: Heartache Tonight by the Eagles. One of my faves.

Listening to music through my headphones is really important to prevent anxiety attacks. As I got closer to the store entry, my heart started beating fast and it was hard to breathe. Blared the music. Felt better
An hour later, I got all my groceries and packed them into my bags!
Then it was time for the walk home.
Here’s the adventure with all the lovely things!
A sign on a building that says “Lubricants. Technology. People.” Mildly suggestive?
A look around the street on the way back home. The wind was blowing all the trees and it was so inspiring. I took a lot of deep breaths.
A decorative cinderblock and a Pohutukawa tree ( #newzealand bottlebrush tree)
Some beautiful blue flowers! They were a perfect periwinkle.
A video of the sky. Caption: “look how pretty the sky and clouds are!”
Found these cool soft leaves! I thought they were Ginkgo leaves but definitely not. Does anyone know what these are?
The whole album “A Short Story About A War” by Shad is so good. The song I was listening to was “The Stone Throwers.”
A video of the street as I was walking. Yellow and green and orange leaves are scattered; fall is here in #newzealand. I’m wearing the sneakers I inherited from my grandma when she passed in September.
A beautiful pink Camellia flower! Caption: “reminds me of back home (southeast Alabama).” There are a lot of Camellias back home!
A gentle video of me reaching into the Camellia bush and touching 3 flowers. The petals were so soft.
A hopscotch grid was on my path! I hopped it. Difficult with 3 weighty bags of groceries 😂
Holding a lovely green leaf in my hand.
The little path to where I’m living. Someone abandoned a small shopping cart (“buggy” in the South) on the side.
Red, burgundy, orange, and purple leaves scattered on the green grass.
Silly vines! I gently touched some of the tiny vines poking out from the green wall along the path.
There’s a very long vine that grew straight into the middle of the path! I run into it every single time.
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