holy shit. douglas murray is a nazi, and top alt-centrist labour party bureaucrats are huge fans of him and spread his nazi filth internally, as they were masquerading as anti-racists by smearing corbyn and the left as anti-semites. the level of depravity is unimaginable
as I have been saying for years now, alt-centrists have no principles, they are motivated purely by narcissism and resentment. they cynically take up causes like metoo and anti-racism to further their interests, but in reality are the worst sexist and racist scumfucks around
the reason they have no compunctions about helping the far right come to and stay in power is because they are their mirror-image, whereas they perceive the principled left as their mortal enemy. fishhook theory is Science
the left can't just unilaterally disarm in the face of this scorched earth warfare waged by alt-centrist scumfucks. if it does, it doesn't deserve to win. corbyn's failure was to leave these motherfuckers in place instead of purging them, which he had the democratic mandate to do
see this thread for a more detailed discussion of this https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1245140568314871810
and see this. it's time to take out the pliers and blowtorch and get to work on these scumfucks. yeah, we don't have the same resources alt-centrists do, but god fucking damn it at least fight instead of just constantly taking it and giving up https://twitter.com/zei_squirrel/status/1249530608038092804
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