Hey guys so I’m bringing this back up again because it seems as if
1) it seems the CrybabyBrigade is crying about something
2) they’re already trying to rewrite their history.
But that’s ok because you know I got the receipts. https://twitter.com/kylatea/status/1125468641066090497
They realize that as time goes on and they continue into irrelevancy that they have the opportunity to rewrite their history. No. No sir. Not after the shit y’all pulled.
There are many places that have their behavior catalogued and documented. 3 years of harassment.
My thread is only one example of you want like a quick thing to link people too and I mean hell one of them just admitted this shit was just cuz Of milkshakes. It was a BS movement created by a bunch of white guys who felt they were “robbed” of something “rightfully theirs”
I'm just archiving this stupid take. Don't engage this dumbass. Darwyn Cooke is no longer with us but had a longer, more memorable run in the very industry that you got yourself kicked out of. Stop trying to recruit people to your harassment campaign that barely knew you existed.
I'm sharing this with this thread to point out CG and Projection. Ethan just happens to be The Donkey of the Day for this explanation. CG (if you have interacted with them on any level) is all about projection. Take notes as this can be applied to a lot of these groups. 1/?
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