I'm getting really tired of the Nigerian scammer jokes in African American series. Blackish has done it several times and now it's #InsecureHBO .
It's internalized racism tbh. It's never connected to the plot and these shows don't have Nigerian characters.
Totally unnecessary.
Curiously, scammers with Nigerian/African heritage rarely target African American communities. So how many of these writers writing these jokes have any valid experience to draw from? All they do is rely on media stereotypes. None of the jokes are original or funny. Just racist.
Nigerians in 2020 - being hunted down in China, enslaved in Libya, fighting multiple antiterrorism wars at home.

African Americans on TV in 2020 - I don't work with Nigerians, Nigerians are scammers ha ha ha.

None of us are free until all of us are free!
Like many Nigerians, I enjoy #InsecureHBO . I have tremendous respect for the nuanced portrayal of Black lives. But with these jokes in something that's supposed to be so Black affirming, it seems like there's a deliberate attempt to create a distance between our Blacknesses.
And because it's often repeated, we have no choice but to assume it's on purpose.
FYI Pro-Black art that isn't also PanAfricanist AND anticolonialist,
is not really Pro-Black art but ethnic nationalism.
(And this applies to creators on both sides of the Atlantic ocean).
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