1/ A short thread on the constancy of #ETTD. Yes, it started as a witty phrase. Time and again it's been proven as an iron law of American politics.

Almost all of the prior ETTD cases in the Administration were expendable either insofar as they were low-speed...
2/ ...dim-bulb Trump lackeys and clones, or their skill sets weren't needed. A few (Mattis, Tillerson) just got tired of this shit, but TBH we entered this Admin in a time of relative peace and prosperity.

Now, one of the few *actual* experts on infectious diseases in this...
3/ ...crapulous, terrible, shit-tier warren of ratfucking titty-baby whiners and petty schemers has clearly given the Presidential ego an ouchy for doing the unforgivable; speaking the truth.

Trump *always* follows this pattern; "What do you think of X?" is a setup...
4/ ...for his lame "Everyone said X was terrible and not loyal to me."

Bitch, "X" in this case is Anthony Fauci, a guy who *actually* knows things, not from his pea-brained "instincts" or the "metrics" rattling in his high-bone-to-brain ratio cranium...
5/ ...but from research, academic background, and experience. This won't stop the Trump media's ongoing attacks, and so we'll be left with noted Fish Oil Huckster Seb Gorka heading CDC soon, if we're lucky.

"Kill the experts" is always a great way to go. JFC.
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