2 white women adoped 3 black children.

An 80 year old man called 911 because his daughter saw a child escape from their 2nd floor window & came next door begging for help.

The police didn’t even knock on the family’s door.

Later, the women drove all 3 children off a cliff.
The two adopted mothers paraded the children around on social media as tokens for their “progressive” activism, but behind the scenes were torturing them with physical abuse and neglect. The children were so malnourished they appeared years younger than they actually were.
This photo of the oldest child grasping onto a police officer in the wake of post-Michael Brown protests went viral.

In hindsight Devonte Hart was likely desperate for someone to help him escape.
Mmhmm. Yet I already have Karens in my mentions saying “tHiS IsNt aBoUt rAcE” https://twitter.com/niachirie/status/1249531965570719745
Yes Jennifer and Sarah Hart were Bernie supporters who took the kids around to various Bernie events https://twitter.com/zzyzyvasmay/status/1249532494686195712
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