since people are starting to duck on tenn again and his actions in today's episode led to him being painted once again in the "unreasonably mean brother" light. i'd like to pinpoint some things from the beginning the explanation of tenn's every action was always made clear-
he didn't want riku to be in the show business and that's it, I don't know why people refuse to put themselves in his shoes because once you do, all actions are self-explanatory and make perfect sense.
tenn for one lived his entire life dedicating it to protect riku literally the fact riku's weak physically no matter what is engraved at the back of his mind which is why he is unlike everyone else –who only spent countable months with riku and tend to forget sometimes riku's-
fragile health or give into riku's wants– he's the opposite, Tenn is literally always this mean to riku because he has lived his entire life sheltering him, he acts on and with the fact riku could die if over-pushed in his unconscious mind and currently the case is the same even
if he takes more of a strict approach but its essential since unlike in the past, riku no longer relies on only tenn as he grew more daring, more reckless it made him exposed to danger and being bedridden possibly his entire life. so it's not really surprising tenn's harsh w him
additionally riku's always wanted to stand on equal footing as tenn however through wanting to be his equal he abandons the hindrance of health problems excuse, basically to be truly treated as an equal tenn shouldn't give him free points just because he's ill
and considering tenn's stern personality, he scolds him bc he expects the same level of professionalism as a fellow idol not brother with health problems because that's what it means to be his equal and that's what riku supposedly desired. I already talked about this before but
to sum it up, tenn knows better than anyone how much riku can withstand so he sheltered him.
riku doesn't want that →tenn opposes to the idea since it puts riku's life at risk but lets him be →riku wants to be tenn's equal →tenn treats him like his equal →back to point one
riku's first thought when he didn't continue the live because of his health was that iori'd be mad, and who indeed was mad at this action? it was tenn, riku automatically applied the same impression he has on tenn on iori and expected him to be mad as well and apologizes ASAP
he even goes as far as promise iori that he'd make sure it happens again. I know this could have sprouted from the fact iori is strict and always mad at riku but in a not as harsh sense as tenn in the slightest but it also could be interpreted as riku does overlap iori with tenn
if that was truly the case it gives all the more meaning to riku's shocked expression here at iori's possibly unexpected reply. and I believe this is what gives more points to iori, to riku
when iori expects things from riku it pushes his spirits up and works as self-satisfactory, riku is similar to ISTPs in the fact he gets motivated to perfect his own craft through praise and expectations and it feeds his desire to be of worth
whereas he doesn't get the same treatment with tenn, instead of feeding his ego and getting him into believing he can fly, tenn is way more realistic and stick up on riku's limits and doesn't believe in the power of sheer will and persistence unlike the other two
notice how Riku's fear of being abandoned by Iori just like Tenn shows here, as much as I never noticed it but Riku really does put them both under the same light oftentimes which brings us to the fact they both leave an impact on riku's feelings (tenn exceeding though)
on the other hand unlike tenn who only worries over riku as his brother, Iori doesn't just want to fulfill Riku's dreams but his own inclinations to see riku singing, Iori's the biggest fan of his so he's bound to be blurred by his hanker to see riku's talent even as his manager
as I was saying ioriku in love- I mean the amount of relief riku feels at iori's words because iori says that it gradually cancels riku's worry over being abandoned by him too because he knows holds him on a high regard
look he literally cries fgcf what I mean to say is it's really be interesting and way different if iori did succeed in managing to shift riku's emotions being heavily affected by tenn to him. because iori definitely makes riku feel better and have higher self-esteem
can't deny there would be other not really consequences to it but that's a story for another day
for now, I breakdown
Riku have always wanted to hear tenn say he wants to sing with him but deep down Riku acknowledges he probably will never hear those from him, so this scene here where Iori's the someone Riku finds who would, speaks volumes about the fact I love them bye
alsoalso heheyhey I'm just ranting w myself these aren't analyzations and not necessarily right so there's that I love ioriku dynamic btw lmao bye
how did this go from defending tenn to thinking about iori, tenn, riku dynamic to me thirsting over irku...
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