1. This pandemic has exposed the fragility of systems of governance across the world. It has shown the failure of capitalism and the effect of inequality it breeds, especially in the US. When Bernie Sanders was campaigning medicare for all, lots of people thought he was mad.
2. ...They're now facing the effect of inequality.
BUT coming back to Nigeria, we have now tragically realize how weak and inefficient is everything we claim to be running.
This pandemic has laid bare our sickening healthcare system. Top people in government are trapped in the
3. the shit they have created. Some of them are lamenting that they have never known that our healthcare is that repulsive. If we survive this pandemic, life shouldn't go as usual. We MUST rebuild our dysfunctional systems; healthcare, education, etc. using every possible means,
4. ... including taxing the taxable households and executing anyone found stealing what's generated.
One most important area is a national register/identification that can reliably tell who is who, who lives where, who arrives where, who leaves where, who has what
who needs what etc. Even at this period, we have difficulty reaching out to the real vulnerable people under lockdown. I just saw a video where Minister Fantami is telling a journalist how they're using SIM cards to identity and help the poor and less privileged.
6. (So MTN has more data of Nigerians than Nigerian govt? What a shame!) We are running a system so chaotic, so unreliable, so fraught with corrupt tendencies. At this information age, there is no website that can give us the identity of the beneficiaries of the people who...
7. received this money.

If we survive Corona, we should go back to our conscience. I hope we survive it without much loss.
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