I should have mentioned this somewhere in this thread but it didn’t fit:

Not setting a price for your games solely because you are financially stable enough to not need any income from your games, also says something about your games and about yourself as a designer. THREAD PT 2 https://twitter.com/DeePennyway/status/1249500030647533568
There are tax reasons to consider when making the decision whether or not to turn your games into a source of revenue. Turns out it’s a good way to get audited if you run at a loss multiple years in a row.
There are also arguably legitimate reasons to make your games free if you’re taking income from Patreon or other sources, if it’s part of your business model.
But if your only reason to make your games free is that you don’t need the money? Check yourself and your privilege.

Do the pricing work for everyone’s sake. If you really don’t need the money, start donating your sales to other creators, start paying artists, or paying more.
Hell—if this thread seems to be about you and you want to know what your game should be priced? Hire me as your Pricing Consultant, and I’ll give your game a fucking amazing price that will make both you and your customers so so so glad when they see it.
You can follow @DeePennyway.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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