Operation Fortitude: Deception, Sun Tzu and beating the bad guys at their own game...

For 3 years, you've been told: Trump is boxed in.

Trump has been duped.

Trump has allowed the Deep State to win round after round, battle after battle, with agents inside his inner circle...
But after 3 years of attacks by the most powerful people on the planet..

Russia collusion
Stormy Daniels

And now a global pandemic designed to crash the world's economy...

And yet they haven't laid a glove on him...
And with every failed attempt to remove Trump... the stakes increase...

The pressure to beat him increases..

And more ppl report Trump is being mislead, betrayed and stabbed in the back..

And yet he still hasn't lost yet...
Long ago there was a time that the stakes were ultimately high...

Spies and traitors abounded...

One mistake could destroy the world...

But instead of blundering into deadly betrayal...

The script was flipped, and the spies were used against their own leaders...
In 1944, the allies were about to kick off Operation Overlord, the largest amphibious invasion in history

To destroy the most evil empire in history

The problem: how do you launch a force the size of a medium sized city... dozens of miles from the enemy.. without being seen?
Operation Fortitude was initiated to use German intelligence assets, spies, and monitoring networks...

To hide Operation Overlord in plain sight...

Right under the nose of General Erwin Rommel...

British MI-6 had successfully found virtually every German spy in the UK...
And using their code pads began feeding Disinformation to the German high command...

Pointing their suspicions towards Pas De Calais... and away from Omaha Beach...

Having successfully broken the Enigma code, MI-6 also knew how much disinfo was being believed..
And against the longest odds of all...

It worked..
How does this deal with Trump being surrounded by snakes in the Swamp?

Because he *is* surrounded by snakes...

You know it..

I know...

Trump sure as hell knows it...

The snakes give the Deep State a sense of overconfidence..

And gives Trump a channel to feed Disinformation
Why hasn't Trump cleaned the snakes out?

Because as long as the snakes are listening.. Trump can control what they hear...

How many times has Trump dropped a story, waiting to see where it shows up in the news?
And just like Operation Fortitude...

If you have they keys to No Such Agency...

You can tell how far your chosen disinfo goes, who sees it, how well it is believed...

And by extension you are able to control what actions the DS takes...
Trump is known to change course at random intervals...

Sometimes giving the impression of being rudderless... a perception the Mockingbirds enjoy squawking about...

But is Trump actually working in a sea of chaos?

Or is it chaff and flares?
Meanwhile... is it coincidence that Trump *allowed* Coates to block declassification...

Until Grennel was in place to begin declassification...

Just as Durham opens multiple Grand Juries?

And the info still classified remains as Grand Jury evidence?
Is Trump really on the ropes?

Are the guilty really going to walk?

Do the spys and snakes really have Trumps number?

If so... why is Trump still winning?

Why hasn't he been removed?

Why does the Deep State make increasingly desperate moves?
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