My top narcotraficante novelas/movies: a thread

-Please keep in mind that these are in no particular order (except for my #1 lol)
-Of there are so many more but these are just my favs I've seen/want to see
-Finally pls feel free to add ur favs and recommend as well 💕💕
My #1 of ALL TIME:
La Reina Del Sur (both s1& s2)
Teresa Mendoza is my all time queen SHE IS THAT BITCH

it's a classic of classics and a perfect start if u want to get narconovelas
2. El Señor De Los Cielos
Has a shit ton of seasons but it's ok bc it's the same actor for el Güero in La Reina^ (so ya know i have my theories)
3. Señora Acero
Not really drugs but she mainly washes money so ya know same business
the ending??? A bitchhh was SHOOKED LIKE FOR REAL
4. El Chema
A spin off from el señor de los cielos so ya know its gonna be GOOD
plus it's my fav pair rutilla and el chema 😭😭
5. El Chapo
Tells the story of the OG joaquin guzman
Def still want to see lol
6. Pablo Escobar
Another OG story
Also still want to see lmaoo
7. Narcos & Narcos: Mexico
Another og Pablo Escobar story done by Netflix so its gonna be hella good
Plus mexico hell yeahh
8. La Querida Del Centauro
Starts with yolanda escaping prison sooo ya know shes badass as fuk
9. BuyBust
A badass Philippina??? Yes please
Going against cops and gangs??? HELL YEAH
10. Amo
Another Philippino story!!
A student who wants to expand his dealings plus his uncle is a cop??
11. The Drug King 마약왕
1970s in Busan, Korean smuggler rises to top in Japan drug trade
A Korean narco show??? asdfghjk YESS
-End of thread-
Buuut i do have highly honorable mentions:
12. Sin Senos No Hay Paraiso & Sin Senos Si Hay Paraiso & El Final Del Paraiso
13. Ingobernable
14. Operación Pacífico
15. Rosario Tigeras (2010)

Pls add your faves to recommend as well!!!
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