Playing Sonic: Lost World for the first time, and it's actually good? Like, not revolutionary, but I see what it's trying to do- build a more economical 3D Sonic engine than the boost formula, as Generations was very short despite being very good, and 2D Colors is often chorelike
I still think it was the wrong move- swapping game styles yet again, esp after Generations was so well-received, would only prevent further boost formula refinement & split the fanbase further. But I get the fear that inspired it- they didn't want to risk short lvls, a la Forces.
It is definitely a slower game, with too many mechanics, & the loss of Sonic's classic momentum & physics-based gameplay is sorely felt, esp as the aesthetic screams "Genesis" at us. But the routing, the reactivate twitchiness to some sections, & the more robust spindash is great
I don't rly want to see it again- I think either a less wonky Adventure or a more expansive boost game is the way to go next. But as its own thing, it's got a gorgeous aesthetic & interesting movement puzzles that at least hint at speed, if not momentum.
It's...more consistent than Colors, at least.
In a way, it kinda feels to me like Sonic Heroes- it tries to be a return to form by innovating on the 3D formula to allow one consistent type of lvl design rather than Adventure/Unleashed's more shotgun approach, & it kinda succeeds but is labeled a black sheep for its deviance.
It's even got the same Genesis game aesthetic

For anyone who's confused reading this thread, my theory for why 3D Sonic games have so much extra bs packed in them is cuz the speed that players run thru 3D lvls with makes them very expensive to make, so Sega pads in other shit
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