Why Seunghoonators are mad.

An honest thread that shouldn't be INVALIDATED.
DISCLAIMER: this thread does not represent EVERY SH STAN. However, it is based on my personal opinion, supported by the feelings of fellow SH stans that I got to talk with.

Ps. The issues are already over(???) but these still need to be said, regardless.
So.. A LOT of things has happened in the past 12 hours. Innercircle cried. Innercircle are mad. Innercircle are at each other's throat AGAIN. On the day LSH announced his enlistment, which is in 4 days at that time, SH stans received more COUNTER ARGUMENTS than actual SUPPORT.
When we received the news, of course, everyone was shocked. But even in his own enlistment, SH had to SHARE the spotlight with another member because some people just can't keep him out of the narrative. People cared about the absence of Hyung-line, but barely about SH alone.
We knew it's difficult to go through this the second time around, BUT THIS IS OUR SECOND TIME, TOO. And this second time was VERY HARD for us because we're sending OUR BIAS WITH BARELY NOTHING. We were frustrated, but fellow ICs got upset to us instead of supporting us.
We finally talked about our long-kept frustrations. We RTed opinions we agreed to. We QRTed our supporting feelings. This is the time when we needed support the most. But all we received are unnecessary conclusions, corrections and invalidation of our opinions and feelings.
When we said that we barely had nothing to send SH off properly, unlike when it was JW's time, we got labeled and were painted as the bad guys. NONE OF US WANTED TO SHADE JW, we just said that there was NO EQUAL TREATMENT, but people went ahead to played the victim card before us
Instead of trying to understand our feelings of frustration, you got offended, you called us out, you muted us, you blocked us. Basically, you made us feel that OUR OPINIONS AND FEELINGS ARE NOT WELCOME. You only thought we're toxic & shady. You IGNORED the fact that WE'RE HURT.
Imagine how stressful we felt? Our tl is filled with ICs disagreeing with our feelings. We had no one to talk to because even our own friends were very insensitive about how we, as SH stans, actually feels. We were left with no choice but to talk about it privately, AS ALWAYS.
We hated how we can't freely talk about our feelings without the fear of receiving a lot of backlash. We hated how we've always been supressing ourselves. We hated that on the day we tried to let it all out, you made us feel like our feelings are better left unsaid.
In numbers, we are the least here in the fandom. In contents, we have the least memories to look back to. And even on the day of SH's E news, we had the least support because people are too busy counter arguing with us.
The point of this thread is not to point fingers as to who is the bad guy. My point here is, please try to understand us, WITHOUT BUTs. Or at least, don't do or say anything that could make us feel INVALIDATED. We were always there, supporting the 4 of them. WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY.
Thank you for hearing me out. I don't expect you to agree with me or anything. But I hope this time, we will all be valid.
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