Attention swifties I would like to declare I truce I apologize for my actions and won’t talk badly about Taylor anymore please just stop mass reporting my account
I accept that what I did was wrong
Also I will never disrespect a Swifite again
To my followers I hate that I have to do this but it’s what must happen
Wait Swifties if I delete the tweet than will you stop mass reporting because I’ll definitely do that
If it’s that easy I’ll do that
I don’t believe that Kanye made Taylor famous but I also don’t believe Taylor made Kanye famous I do think they both benefited popularity wise do to the altercation
What do I have to do to not get mass reported
I have deleted all the tweets over the last 2 days regarding Taylor and the Swifties
I would greatly appreciate if you would stop mass reporting my account
Well do you accept my apology or not
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