lover isn’t bad at all. it actually has great production & amazing lyrics. the thing is it’s not a very exiting record imo. its full of SOLID tracks that i really enjoy but they didn’t pass the test of time. cornelia street, for example. it’s an AMAZING song, one of her best pop>
songs, if you ask me, but i don’t find myself wanting to listen to it like... ever... just on rare occasions. if it comes on shuffle, i won’t skip it. but yeah that’s how i feel about the lover album
also, you know how the visual presentation helps a lot too like with future nostalgia or 1989? the lover aesthetic (music videos & album cover) is not very exiting either so i believe that influences the way people feel about the record as well
it’s like... vibe-wise, it leaned too much into a white suburban mom field, and when it went somewhere else it was kidz bop land (which was just as uncool, if not more). it’s a very good album and has some of her best pop songs, but it not being a favorite isn’t surprising imo
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