@StephReinish and her mother @ReinishSusan I believe are grifters. I believe they are exploiting and benefiting off her Brain Injury that happened 6 years ago. Im just going to share whatever information I have and let you decide for yourselves.
So, According to her own Go Fund me. In 2013 She Got in this tragic accident. Got TBI and is seen in 2020, holding a walker, she needs assistance for her day to day and can't live alone.
So, why in 2016 Is she doing really strenuous and athletic activities. Trained by a Beachbody Coach and became one herself. Offering classes and everything. Thats a really physically demanding job position.
Another Thing id like to bring to Attention is, I asked Stephanie why didnt her own local community didnt raise money for her. And this is what she replied with. Id like to point out that was a bold face lie.
As you can see. Communities outside of twitter raised funds for her.
AS well as her needs Pushed on Facebook. She gets a lot of money. But since were on the topic of money.
The link above shows. Shes going to collect possibly up to 1.73 million dollars from her teachers pension.
The house her and her mother lived in was foreclosed on in 2019. Purchased by the bank. Why Do 2 people who dont have money supposedly need a 640,000 home with 5 beds and 4 baths? When its just 2 people and pets?
Her Mother Also owned a landscaping buisness that did fairly well in 2019. A buisness she owned for 30 years. It made $273,000 in 2019.
Her Linked in job profile (which was updated in 2019) States that her Injury happened 6 years ago and she only needs 1 more year to a full recovery.
Now that i showed you all of the facts. Do you really think @StephReinish or her mother are in Dire need as they claim to be? A buisness owner with a 1.9 million dollar pension. Whos also 1 year from a full recovery.
I think shes very Theatrical and very Evil in nature, hiding behind her medical condition and a friendly demeanor. Anyone who questions her gets blocked. And she seems to overdramatize everything for maximum sympathy. Look at the last picture. Doesnt sound so sweet huh?
When she saw me handing out money to people she was being super butt kissey. Towards me. She also harasses and stalks any potential donors or celebrities with money.
Claims to not worked in 7 years
Yet, worked as a beachbody coach in 2016
Who would post pictures like this of anyone much less their child? Shes fainted/injured? You didnt call 911?
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