Olive oil. What can’t it do?

The poet Homer called it liquid Gold.

Ancient Greek athletes would rub their bodies in it to enhance athletic performance.

Olive oil is magical, it is mystical and it is medicinal.
Olive oil was infused with numerous herbs such as fennel, sesame and mint and used as medicinal ointments in Greek, Roman and Egyptian societies.

The great Hippocrates listed 60 different medical conditions that olive oil could help alleviate.
Olive oil was given as a prize to the winners of the Panatheian games, held every four years in Athens from 566 BC to the 3rd century AD

Olive oil was used to light homes and to anoint kings.

Olive oil was sacred.
The Greeks say that the goddess Athena created the olive tree. The olive tree represents peace, prosperity and victory.

Olive oil was also used in death. When someone died in Ancient Greece, olive oil was used in preparing the bodies for burial.
Olive oil was used by the Jews to light the menorah on their Exodus from Egypt.

Olive oil is used in numerous Christian ceremonies, often to light church lamps.

Olive oil has been front in center on some of the greatest civilizations to walk this Earth.
Olive oil was essential to the daily lives of both rich and poor. It was vital to their wealth and health

Modern studies have shown olive oil helps prevent heart disease, strokes and helps to lower blood pressure.
It took us a few thousand years to realize what the ancients already knew.

Olive oil just may be the closest thing to the fountain of youth we’ve ever had.

All of these benefits and I haven’t even mentioned it’s primary use. Cooking!
As you can probably tell I love cooking and olive oil is an absolute essential staple in my kitchen.

I use it to roast vegetables, cook meat, mix with salads and pretty much everything else in between.
I’m also a bit of an olive oil snob. I’m that girl who stops in all those fancy olive oil shops in those little cute towns and samples everyone.

I’ve had a lot of good olive oils and also a ton of mediocore ones.
One of the better ones I’ve tried is @SeloOlive

It’s currently my number 1 olive oil in rotation, and i use it regularly to make all my delicious dishes.

This stuff is as good as it gets.
I wasn’t paid to say that or anything, I just want to try and help small businesses especially in this crazy time.

Olive oil is one of those things that is worth splurging on. Like a nice handbag or a vintage wine, sometimes quality makes all the difference
I encourage everyone to do further research on the numerous benefits of olive oil. It’s is truly a gift from the gods.

Use it liberally and your cooking and health will improve dramatically!
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