So (a thread, I know, sorry, but):

You know those iconic marble lions at the front of the New York Public Library? ‘Thought of them today, on my daily walk, when I saw a grip of dumbass New Yorkers, hanging out in big groups, not social distancing.
The reason I thought of the lions is because of their names and how they got them. I didn’t know they had names until recently, and while it’s good New York Trivia, most people I’ve talked to didn’t know it either.
I thought of these lions because I was so, so pissed at all of these morons not social distancing that I wanted to scream at. I truly expect better of New Yorkers. We should be smarter than this. Except:

We are.
Most of the New Yorkers are doing the most. People I know who if you told me their privilege to go to bars and hang with friends would be revoked today a year ago I would’ve bet on going insane, or a bender, or, just, like, messing this up. But: They’re not. They’re doing great.
It’s all well and good to tell people to scream at morons to stay inside, and we—New Yorkers—totally should. In the mean time, I’d like to think of all the people doing the right thing, and the values associated with and demonstrated by it: Patience and fortitude.
That’s it. New York Fuckin City forever.
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