I have just finished reading this book for the second time.
Now, I have a great summary of important thoughts.
Book by Liz Wiseman.
How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter; Liz Wiseman, a leadership scholar and instructor, noticed two types of leaders:
Multipliers and,
The Multiplier. Leaders who use “their intelligence to amplify the smarts and capability of people around them. … These leaders [seem] to make everyone around them better and more capable” (pg 5).
Multipliers actually get more than 100% from their employees (or children or students). Others give their all and then continue to grow and give even more.
The Diminisher. Leaders who “drain intelligence and capability out of the people around them. Their focus on their own intelligence and their resolve to be the smartest person in the room [has] a diminishing effect on everyone else” (pg 5).
So what’s the difference? How does one person become a multiplier, while another becomes a diminisher? To answer those questions, Wiseman and her research partner Greg McKeown studied over 150 leaders (e.g., managers, teachers, and sports coaches) over 4 continents.
They found that the difference wasn’t so much in action, but in attitude. Wiseman and McKeown identified five key differences:
Lesson learned from the book;
1. Multipliers can come from anywhere. “To my children … who have taught me to lead and shown me why being a multiplier matters.” To paraphrase a famous talk show hostess, “I’m a leader! You’re a leader! Everyone’s a leader!”
2. Human capital counts for everything.
“I have become convinced that the biggest leadership challenge of our times is not insufficient resources per se, but rather our inability to access the most valuable resources at our disposal”
3. Multipliers are still tough.
They let people make mistakes, but they expect people to learn from them. They create an environment that is intense (demanding), but not tense (stressful).
[The End]
To hear Liz Wiseman speak a bit more about being a multiplier, check out these links: https://bit.ly/2RwtW8E 
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