The two key points:

1. Berners are about policy, not people. They support Bernie for his policy, and will not vote for Biden because his policy is further to the right than Clinton's.

2. Democrats think centrists can win. History shows they can't.

Biden has no path to victory.
I've been a memner of the Demkcratic Party since 2016. I'm a chair. I flipped a precinct. I agree with many of the policies. But the one thing I discovered that upsets me is that they have no clue how the **** to choose the right candidate.
The host of the video is right. Democrats put name recognition before policy. By doing this, it becomes more about the people than the policies. And they don't understand that Bernie supporters are about his platform, not him.

That's why it's "Not me. Us."
The platform is about how the people want to be treated. By making it about the person, you get self-serving officials you proverbially get you over a chair with your pants down because they see their own policies regardless of what the people need. It's not that hard.
Joe Biden has no path to victory because he needs Sanders supporters, and he won't adjust his platform enough.

The only chance Democrats have is that @BernieSanders is still on the ballot.

*end thread*
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