my primary love language may not be what i once thought it was.
i once thought my primary love language was words of affirmation. and it still is. but the other love languages used to not matter as much. now? physical touch is very close behind, and behind it trails quality time.
quarantine has allowed me to sit with just how happy i am with my physical self, and how much i care to share that. physical touch and quality time didn’t matter as much to me before because i didn’t value my physical self. that’s no longer true, and hasn’t been for a while.
and physical touch doesn’t have to mean sex. but just being held by or holding a person i’m interested in. cuddling. hugs (i really miss hugs lmao). and being in someone else’s presence. didn’t want to before because i saw no value in me and that incited fear.
it’s very interesting what forced time alone will make you sit with, acknowledge, welcome and embrace.
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