The last four years of Donald Trump has taken a massive toll. There have been so many scandals, so many abuses, so much blatant corruption, that it literally doesn’t matter what story comes out now. It just sweeps in and through like so much flood water.
Trump has used a massive pandemic to enrich himself and his obscenely wealthy friends. He’s committed brazen crimes against humanity. He’s damned untold Americans to lonely, agonizing deaths and all but eradicated our professional lives for profit.

It just keeps coming.
You have to feel like there’s a story that will stop this madness, a step too far that will trigger a societal reckoning or even a moment of enraged recognition. You have to believe there’s a point of no return, an obscenity too obscene.

And yet. It just keeps coming.
Authoritarians break is down. They lie and cheat and steal until populace’s just give up and lose any hope of something fair or honest.

This is what Putin does. What Trump does. It’s a strategy and it works.

This pandemic, this preventable, murderous crisis has to be enough.
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