Brandon Victor Dixon!
Do you care for your race? Don’t you see we must keep in our place.

We are occupied. Have you forgotten how put down we are?
I love how clear the politics are in this show.

A repressed people struggling with building a social movement against the threat of violence? Pretty relevant still
“What’s the buzz”

I love the tension of Jesus vs his followers.

How do you keep a movement going? When everyone has different policy asks? And different motivations?
John Legend in that bathrobe is all of us in quarantine #JesusChristSuperstarLive

Here you see how electrifying and charismatic this version’s “Jesus” is — how did he get followers?

“Nothing can be done to stop the shouting” and they love it

“Sing our for yourselves for you are blessed”
Won’t you smile for me

Won’t you fight for me

Won’t you die for me
Every Marine platoon has a Simon Zealotes #JesusChristSuperstarLive
@mbayer1248 and had a good thread two years ago about “Poor Jerusalem” and the trouble of a leader preaching a counter intuitive morality — by giving we receive, and to conquer death, you only have to die
You can follow @PeterLucier.
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