Thread: Found something interesting (well, interesting to me). I had the forethought to follow that Sloth-who-cried-transphobia before the account lock, and sloth retweeted this “researcher” who wanted to get to the bottom of the Sweetbeans “harrassment” “campaign”. 1/5
I haven’t done the research to see if this Sadie person isn’t full of shit (and let’s face it, they calling Pewdiepie a “Nazi-promoter” is suspect enough.)

But Sadie says the first wave came from some account I never heard of before.
Here’s the most interesting and infuriating part:
Sadie takes a very popular tweet from @DmnPix515 that mocks woke hypocrisy and juxtaposes it to two tweets that were racist/homophobic in nature, both of which got little to no traction.
And of course, Sadie follows this up with “I could post more, but you get the idea.”

Uh, no we don’t, you fucking asshole. You took a popular mocking tweet and then lumped them in with unpopular tweets that were way worse.

The disingenuousness of people like Sadie...
There’s more to this thread, but I don’t really have comments about it. It’s a lot of 4chan-n-reddit-did-this-and-r-bad, I took shots of the entire thread just in case you’re blocked & want context.

TL;DR These people are DYING to paint you all as transphobic & racist.
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