do akgaes even REALIZE that they’re insulting his intelligence by even saying Jungkook is horrible to him since HE goes out of his way for Jungkook so many times?! spends the most time with Jungkook on & off work time?! if Jungkook was this horrible, Jimin wouldn’t be as attached
Jimin himself has said he doesn’t give toxic people the time of the day. & according to these dumbos’ narratives Jungkook is the epitome of awfulness .. yet Jimin halts his vacation time to fly back halfway around the World to not miss his birthday..? so many narrative flaws !!
as my mutual said, the man is 25 years old, not 5. he knows who & what is a positive energy in his life- not YOU. he feels protective of his private life & doesn’t just introduce his non famous friends to anyone. figure out why he introduced them to Jungkook only. end of thread.
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