The #COVID19 pandemic shows us that care work— raising children, cooking, cleaning, caring for elders, promoting health, etc.— is the essential work of society. It’s not enough to simply say this work is low paid and disproportionately performed by racialized women. 1/4
We need to ask if care work is essential, why is it unpaid or poorly paid? Why is it performed by (racialized) women? Whose interests are served by systems that value the production of profit over the care of people? 2/4
We have to ask these questions if we hope to address the crises in care that #COVID19 has worsened and made visible. 3/4
Much to learn from the work of Nancy Fraser, Tithi Bhattacharya, @KeeangaYamahtta, @NaomiAKlein @ruha9 + others who offer critical perspectives on the pandemic. 4/4
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