An Exercise in logical thinking.
Can a health scare be a F F? Let's take a brief look. What are some of the identifiers?
1. An event that is spectacular and emotional. Traumatic? Unusual?
2. Instant media saturation. When combined with # 1, are [they] covering the same way?
...are [they] out in front of the event pushing a virtually identical narrative?
3. Are [they] concluding a suggested verdict before an investigation? Case quickly closed in the "Official" narrative?
4. Is there a convenient scapegoat? Is it well chosen for an immediate political purpose? A patsy?
5. Is there decisive and negative government action? Is it supported by a compliant media machine which leads to an erosion of individual rights and a potential regime change to switch out an undesirable government or leader?
6. Are there important anomalies and questions being unanswered? Do the facts known warrant the response?
7. Who benefits from an event? What are we being pressured to think from the official narrative? We need to be active in the evaluation, instead of passive recipients, of the information. Q has taught us this.
A FF is an action done by an individual or group that then places blame elsewhere. Which is then used to justify actions that would otherwise not be justified. It is a form of propaganda to gather support or attention of the people, or a diversion of the same.
In 2010, the WHO changed the definition of a pan-demic. Originally: An enormous amount of people contracting and illness and dying. Now 👇👇👇👇?
Who benefits? Big pharma? they need us sick so they can sell you drugs to dampen the symptoms. D-party? Mail in votes? Mass potential for fraud. Black hats? Using fear to get us to consent to give up more of our rights and make us easier to control? What more can you think of?
We do not have healthcare, we have a business of symptom managment.
It is our duty to see the world without illusion, beyond the propaganda and trauma. Through awareness, we are empowered. Through honest exploration, we can see through the fear mongering narrative we are constantly exposed too. The truth will set us free. Don't buy into the fear
A special thanks to Richard Dolan for seeking truth and sharing it.
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