As the 5G conspiracy theory continues to gain followers it's worth clarifying a few things about its origins and the type of people who seem susceptible to it 1/
The 5G conspiracy theory is not new.For many years people have claimed that so called 60ghz millimeter radiation waves (which 5g towers emit) are toxic and being weaponised by the state.These people are now gaining large followings online,claiming they predicted the crisis 2/
So the current attacks on 5g towers are inspired by long standing conspiracy theories. Like any good conspiracy theory,these claims are couched in more widely 'acceptable' fears. In this case fears of possible danger from the small amount of radiation emitted by mobile phones 3/
The main claim right now is not that 5G *causes* COVID-19 but that the virus doesn't exist or is harmless and those who are dying are doing so from respiratory distress caused by the 5G waves which they believe absorbs oxygen and takes it away from humans nearby 4/
In fact many of these theorists claim that you cant actually catch a virus unless it's injected into you and that they are otherwise naturally occurring in the body. So, of course, this leads them to the eventual C19 vaccine rollout 5/
The current crisis is,in their view, partly designed to get people to take the vaccine when it arrives,which is actually a deadly cancer or virus. It is also believed that the lockdowns are designed to keep people home as they secretlu set up further deadly 5G infrastructure 6/
So why are 'they' trying to kill us all using a 5G weapon and a supposedly fake pandemic? Well it depends who you ask but often it's a mix of paranoid Christian extremists who think that the New World Order is causing this destruction because it is 'evil' and satanic 7/
Or far right extremists who think that this is manufactured by Jews in order to reduce the world's population.But also many 'normal' people getting sucked in by convincing sounding quasi scientific jargon used by experienced conspiracy theorists who have a new audience 8/
The speed of this conspiracy theory is fuelled mainly by the mass attention the crisis is receiving and the subsequent search for answers undertaken by people who dont trust the mainstream media to begin with and view popular channels on YouTube, Telegram etc 9/
Given how many people must be searching for answers right now, it's no surprise a handful have been moved to action and attacked 5G towers. Many of the popular theorists appear to genuinely want to 'help' people and this can also be quite convincing. 10/10
Worth also adding that extreme right, so neo nazis or accelerationists and violent alt right types are not necessarily coming up with these conspiracy theories themselves but have assimilated them from other non right wing conspiracy circles who have focused in 5G for years 11/11
None of this is to say all extreme right believe in the 5G conspiracy. Many think it's silly and believe the virus is real and deadly and is being allowed to spread intentionally so as to kill white ppl/take their freedom away. 12/
Strangely, at the same time they also celebrate that the virus is disproportionately impacting ethnic minorities 13/13
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