Attention: Anyone who received one of these notices that have children at home. Do not be surprised if Dictator Andy sends the Kentucky Gestapo (aka. DCBS) to your home & they open a neglect/abuse investigation. Do NOT speak with them without a private Attorney! #CPS
Just a note on this. If you were there with your children or came home to your children after attending they will charge you with neglect/abuse. You will then be bound over to the Family court where you have NO Constitutional rights and they are happy to tell you that. [more]
They will immediately drug/alcohol test you and if you fail expect to be tested weekly. If you fail again they will remove your children. You will also be given a plan to complete that will require you to use many of their "services". [More]
You will have to pay for these services out of your own pocket & many of the private providers are owned by former legislators or large $ political donors. If you do not complete their plan, even though you haven't been convicted of a crime, they will remove your children. [more]
If you're lucky & complete their plan. They will allow you to plea to what's called "dependency" (unintentional neglect) & they will close the case. However, your children's doctors & school will be told to watch for any signs of abuse and report you until your child is 18 #Truth
One last post on this thread. Yes this does happen in the United States of America and yes politicians do weaponize the system to go after anyone that publicly calls them out or embarrasses them. The sad part is that many honest politicians are aware but refuse to speak out. 😕
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