a good way to start is to not overstate your authority. Having a specific heritage doesn’t necessarily equal the upbringing or lived experience of someone existing within that society https://twitter.com/BENINISM/status/1249450340304523264
you can amplify ppls voices if THEY think a conversation needs to be had abt their issues where u are. dont automatically assume the savior postiton the way many diaspora do when they urge western govs to intervene in their home country’s affairs bcs they think its what’s needed
another thing is to stop conflating your own complicated feelings regarding belonging & loss (which are completely valid) with the real geographical place that has real things happening in it in real time
I think all diaspora ppl would benefit immensely from reading their country’s history and learning about local politics, instead of constantly analyzing their home country through a western political or academic gaze
last thing I’ll say is: please learn your language. language will allow you to properly communicate with those you consider your people, and read works written by your people for your people. It will break the cycle of constantly reading western works written ABOUT your culture
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