I believe that people who are quiet and show minimal expressions on their faces,have so much going on inside of them in terms of feelings and thoughts because like they can’t express it that openly on their faces, so everything happens on the inside is like doubled,ex.Lan Wangji+
and add to that it makes their actions taken upon those feelings full of intensity and as we know lwj is a man of actions more than words, so these actions are the hints that tell you how much inside of him there is a sea of emotions and thoughts +
as an ex. lwj’s way of showing his love,I would say that his love is like one of the purest forms of love I have ever seen,you see how much he loved his mother and was so so attached to her, that when she died he shut himself from the whole world and built a huge wall that is
not easily broken and when he loved wwx, his love was so intense in terms of dedication,being selfless,accepting wwx to be there even if his feelings weren’t reciprocated or even when lwj thought wwx was taking his feelings as a joke,his feelings and love were this intense that+
he didn’t care about himself as long as wwx was safe and happy and honestly someone like lwj is the perfect fit for wwx ,because wwx is the kind of person who feels guilty at any little thing that happens to any of his love ones and take it upon himself to fix it,add on that he+
doesn’t easily feel his self-worth so someone like lwj would give wwx the kind of love that he needs to feel secure about him because lwj who feels every emotion with such intensity and then sound it out into his actions would be showering wwx in a bath of love and that’s exactly
what happens with WangXian and therefore, lwj would make wwx feel his selfworth no matter how much wwx tried to convince himself that he is not worthy because lwj would be giving him the reassurance and the love he truly needs🥺❤️+
And the fact that actually wwx is the perfect fit for lwj cuz he is able to absorb all what is going inside lwj,understand him with the smallest expressions he makes, he was able to absorb all the actions coming from this intensity of emotions because he need this amount of love
So in the end, I just want to say that lwj really needed someone who can understand these bundle of emotions and be able to absorb it for lwj to feel unrestrained as he doesn’t find it easy to express himself through his face and I believe that because +
Lwj’s mum and wwx were able to do this prefectly if we are talking about the aspect of love, they were able to slove the puzzle of lwj and get through to him🥺❤️.
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