Bit different in Japanese:

'Hide-and-seek is over, Aerith.'


「さて 選択肢はそれほど多くない」
'Well then, there aren't many options.'

「取り引き したいんだけど?」
'Couldn't we make a deal?'
I think English Tseng sounds a little more cold and menacing, and Japanese Tseng, while stern, conveys a more restrained emotion. Japanese Aerith also feels less cheeky and more mature, as if indeed reaching the end of a much longer negotiation.
'A merry chase' is such a weird way of adapting かくれんぼ, literally the game of hide-and-seek, considering it's a callback to the Train Graveyard (the BGM of which is called 永遠のかくれんぼ ['eternal hide-and-seek'], but for some reason 'Waiting to Be Found' in English).
It's sort of a derisive, camp villain-y thing to say rather than a deliberate invocation of Aerith's past, in which (as Aerith herself established in the original FFVII) Tseng figures significantly, if not exactly romantically. He's one of the few people who 'really know [her].'
Anyway, you can enjoy the Japanese language performance here (with the English script as subtitles, sadly):
Beyond being an unbearable subs-not-dubs purist, I just really appreciate Maaya Sakamoto and Junichi Suwabe in these roles as they've been playing these characters for 15 years now — incidentally as long as Aerith and Tseng have known each other. Levels!
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