Okay, so backstory. Ive been experiencing paranormal shit since i was little. Theres a lot that goes into it that ill talk about another time.
Long story short, my friends mom, whos a medium, told me and my family a long time ago that a spirit of a little boy named danny was attached to my family. Id see shadows run past my bedroom door and shit all the time blah blah
fast forward to last year, i was walking in my hallway and was stopped dead in my path, couldnt move because there was a tall ass dark ass shadow figure standing in front of me literally preventing me from moving, almost like the bent neck lady from haunting of hill house
so i move into this new apartment with my girlfriend and i told her about everything ive experienced and what not and told her that shit might happen but that its just my life lmao and that ive been dealing with it since i was little
A couple nights ago, i had just fallen asleep and my gf was up still & wakes me up and is like "babe, our door just opened by itself" & before we went to bed she shut it like she always does and we both heard it click shut so it wasnt cracked or anything
So me, having dealt with shit like this before i get up look outside the door and shut it again and go back to sleep.
Last night i downloaded a sleep recording app because i have extremely vivid dreams and talk/laugh/yell/punch in my sleep a lot and my gf always tells me about it the next morning so i was like fuck it ima download this so i can hear it for myself
So before i fell asleep i started my app, then i fell alseep. I wake up this morning and start listening to them but my gf was asleep still.
I heard one of the recordings and it was a door opening and closing and then sounded like someone was carrying or clinking bottles around. I didnt think anything of it again and went back to sleep til my gf and i woke up again.
When we both woke up, I brought up the recording and asked if she got up in the middle of the night and she said no. Ima post the recording in the next thread response!
My phone was right next to my pillow and only detects noise in the room if the makes sense, so like you can see it detects snoring and then actual noise/talking etc.
That is clearly a door opening and closing!!! And neither of us had gotten up during the night. This is all i have rn but im gonna run my app again tonight & post if anything else is recorded or happens!!
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