Aight, got part of my big Antarctic work done. Every base, runway/skiway, POI I could find has been plotted and categorized. This KMZ file will allow you to toggle groups on/off ( Full year base, Summer Base, Airfield both Wheel and Ski, POI ) for researching different things.
The image above is obviously zoomed out, so not all points are visible, but there are a bunch. Its amazing how much we have put down there. Here is the link to the KMZ file. Enjoy!
If anyone has anything that they would like to add to the master file, please speak up! Coordinates would be most helpful as then I can go right to it, classify, label and move on.
For instance, this is one thing I found that I dont think Ive seen anyone bring up before, according to Google Maps measuring this straight line is 10.6 miles long!!! WTF... only thing close is a Chinese base a bit away.... Things that make you go hmmm...
Then there was this apparently perfectly round hole into a hillside right by a Russian base. Based on what I am seeing 40-50' Diameter. Could be angles and light etc, but I dunno...
Couple of interesting updates since I originally did this file. I have a new KMZ that Ill include at the end that includes everything Ill show here. One of which is I charted the original NAZI landing map of the area and overlaid it on GE. Included is a speculated entrance to the
Nazi base 211, the super secret base that they supposedly discovered down there. I can sauce it up but Ill have to take a picture of the book to do so.
Another thing to note, is Ive left all of the Modern bases etc flagged so that you can see what modern stuff falls within the area claimed by the NAZI's. Pretty interesting group no? Not saying it means anything, but it does lead to some easy speculation.....
Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, South Africa, and Russia...

Blonde and blue anyone? kek.
Also notice how close the Norwegian Troll summer base is to the supposed entrance to the NAZI base? And somewhere on that mountain is where the entrance is supposed to be, not at that marker specifically.
And newest KMZ with the NAZI stuff and all of the other fun things.
Red is year round bases
Blue is summer only
Green is runways/Airfields
Pink is Points of Interest/Anomolies
Yellow is NAZI
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