The day I left the cab company I tossed my work bag in my garage and haven't looked at it since. But today I'm cleaning my garage so I think it's time to dispose of it. But first, we'll go through the contents for posterity's sake. This bag was along my side every night.
Found. $5 Ceasars Chip. If that place ever reopens I'm almost halfway to 4hrs worth of parking.
You probably won't believe this but the old school followers among you will recall the infamous #IvyPhone incident. Well, I never threw that phone out. It's been buried in my bag this entire time. Got battery too. If I could charge it, that might be fun to revisit those texts.
Found. 7 machine screws. Actually forgot what these were for but then I remembered they were to affix the medallions to the side of the cab. Co. used to provide them but they'd get lost all the time so they made you buy them and keep them yourself.
Nothing says Vegas cab company quite like making drivers buy screws to affix medallions owned by the Stste to vehicles owned by the cab company. But that's another story for another time.
If there was a cab driving hall of fame museum this clipboard belongs in it. I purchased it the day before my first shift and it was sitting on my dash every night I ever worked. Oh the stories it could tell. Still many old papers on it, but most recent DOT physical on the top.
Found. Golf Card from a round my mate Roush and I played in Montana. Notably I holed out from like 120yds for birdie on #6. Same hole Roush beened one and hit a deer. We spent rest of round arguing who's shot was better.
Found: Hooker book. I mean stripper book. Some of you may recall many years ago when @hollymadison and I went page by page on one of these to determine how many of the pictures were stolen from Playboy. Answer? Quite a lot of them.
Found: Unopened hooker cards O mean stripper cards.
Found: Holy shit looks like I got a free slice comin!
Found: Key chain gifts. Always appreciated every gift anyone ever brought me but things specific to where they came from were always the best.
I have a few stacks of business cards. If you ever gave me one there's a good chance I still have it. And one of my famous old ones, which I ran out of. I'll need to keep that. Shoutout @g_knapp!
My Cousin Mark was always the real musician in my family. Way more so than me. He made a demo and asked me for notes on it. He's really good, but he partnered with some wank guitar player that did all he could do to ruin these compositions.
My wife, girlfriend at the time, got me these beeds to keep me safe. They were with me every night. I hear these things are expensive. Thanks honey.
My old cellphone. My first smart phone. I think I referred to it as a genius phone. Kept it for old contacts.
No clue what this is about.
An old mix tape. Some killer stuff on here there's little doubt.
Last but not least, laughed out loud when I saw this. Black electrical tape. A few years back the cab co installed these collision avoidance systems that beeped incessantly if you got too close to car the in front of you...
...nice concept, maybe even useful. But it's beeps were too fucking loud and of course the cab co calibrated them too liberally so it would alarm even when there was sufficient space. Then when you left more space other cars would come over and it'd start beeping all over again.
Even passengers would complain about it. Some drivers got caught covering up the sensor or vandalizing it and were immediately fired. But I never got caught doing that because, black electrical tape.
At the start of every shift I'd stick some tape in the exterior of the windshield over the sensor, which was also black so at a glance you'd never see it. Then at the pumps every night I'd remove it and that kinda tape on glass leaves no residue. Easy. Sane.
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