I'm starting to learn the power of the words "I think". They always refer to opinions, which are powerful themselves. And everyone has their own opinions. Everyone is entitled to them. And obviously you can't agree with everyone on everything. Everyone's opinions are different.
Too often I've seen people arguing because they think their opinion is right, and anyone who disagrees with them should think the way they think. That's basically the foundation of every argument ever. People want to be right. And I get that.
I just think that if it's something that doesn't affect you, you shouldn't argue with someone about it. Let people be themselves and do what they want. You don't have to control their life. They have their thoughts and opinions too. Let them act on them if they choose to.
You have your own thoughts and opinions. You act on them if and when you want. I'm sure you don't want other people telling you how to live your life. Don't tell them how you think they should be living theirs. Don't tell them how they should think. Let them think how they want.
This thread isn't in response to anything. I just wanted to get some thoughts out of my head.
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