Hey guys, it's that time of day again. That "opinion time" or take or whatever you guys call it nowadays.

So Silver, in my opinion is the strongest Sonic character power wise, yes even stronger than Sonic and Shadow, but keeps getting downplayed in the stories. Time to explain.
Silver is capable of paralyzing almost anything his powers want him to. Enemies, characters, objects, etc. When he does this, they are shown not to be capable of breaking free in any capacity. It happens to even the strongest character in the series, Sonic, more than once.
Sonic had to get bailed out twice because even his speed wasn't capable of saving him. While being able to kill things is questionable for Silver, if he wants to make his opponent(s) an absolute rag doll then he can. There's nothing stopping him.
"What about Shadow! He beat Silver." Think about this. Silver and Shadow were tired from their fight. It's obvious that Silver over exerting his powers will cause them not to work as stated in Rivals 2. And Silver CHARGED at Shadow, he didn't use his powers on him at all.
I spot a similar case in SA2 with Knuckles and Rouge. Knuckles is one of the strongest characters brawn wise and Rouge arguably matched him. Both of them were tired in their final fight which why it can be argued why Rouge didn't fly when she slipped. That and other reasons, too.
"What about Infinite?"

And this where I say the downplaying comes into play. Silver doesn't even use his powers on Infinite. He just charges at him for no reason. Gens is a similar state where they don't use Silver's powers on Sonic, but maybe they didn't want a repeat of '06.
And because of Silver's powers not being used on Shadow or Infinite, I won't say that his powers don't work on them because there's no reason to think so, especially since they work on everything and living people like Sonic. Which means power scaling is taking its effect.
I don't wanna hear anyone saying that it only worked on Sonic and not Shadow because he's stronger when it's already been confirmed that Sonic and Shadow are equals despite what your headcanons or thoughts may say. And that Sonic or Shadow have never outmatched the other.
Wrapping this up, Silver probably has the ability to go Yoda or Darth Vader on everyone if the stories didn't consistently put him in positions where his powers aren't being used and having him washed by a character because of that. I stand by my statement. You go, Silver.
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