Guys...for real...I don’t get terribly political here because I try to keep it to science. However, with this pandemic costing the lives of others, because of people NOT listening to is fair game to criticize.

The gross and deliberate science denial is lethal now
We have @realDonaldTrump as a president who can barely communicate, fired the pandemic response team, cut CDC funding, ignored the warnings of experts IN DECEMBER, downplayed the virus, bragged about low number infections, exported our ventilators, is taking hospital equipment...
...continuing on @realDonaldTrump who thinks antibiotics kill viruses, that drugs for malaria and lupus kill covid19 (science says not enough info, it can cause heart problems, and could be lethal)..the man has stock in a company selling the drug (and yes they can hike the price)
..and then I see folks like this one in the pic who are sympathetic to this hard task of managing this pandemic that @realDonaldTrump could have avoided.

Dear Catherine, he already crashed the plane. We are just trying to not die in the fire now and escape w/minimal loss of life
The gross disregard of science experts in what seems to be over the sake of @realDonaldTrump’s perceived popularity as he brags about his Facebook numbers and said he didn’t want to give people bad news...while he held rallies and ignored experts telling him people would die.
Nobody wanted this. A government is supposed to protect the people...not be afraid of losing popularity over bad news.

It’s not a matter of wanting @realDonaldTrump to fail. He already has. We are at the “how many bodies can this park in New York hold” stage of this.
We can turn this around without leadership from @realDonaldTrump .

Follow social distancing guidelines.

Listen to scientists.

Tell news organizations to air experts not propaganda.

Call your congress reps and senators. Vote.

We’re in this together. Let’s help each other.
You can follow @ScientistMel.
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