I cannot get over the organization of the Orthodox community to ensure social distancing. First there was a Passover kitchen box, for utensils for people doing this for the first time, then there was a P meal box, for people who couldn't cook or didn't plan to be home...
...There was a wine box for the sedarim, and I understand that Chabad sent out a seder kit with all the necessary items, and now I'm seeing multiple versions of a חמץ box to allow people to get flour and bread after Passover without the usual mobbing of grocery stores.
I should also point out that many of these are subsidized (through the generosity of others) because there are so many people who are out of work.
Passover is a complicated holiday during the best of times for Orthodox Jews. Turning over kitchens, covering counters, scrubbing ovens, pulling out completely new sets of pots, dishes, and silverware. Not to mention actual cooking. In these times it's become "nearly" impossible.
The only reason I can say "nearly" is because of people working tirelessly to ensure that structures are in place to support people who desperately want to practice their religion in what they see is the best way possible while ALSO staying safe and keeping others safe.

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