Why Origi shits on Firmino as a footballer.

A thread:
Origi has scored 49 goals in all competitions and Firmino has scored 66. Firmino has mostly played against smaller club and Origi has always played as a substitute.
Origi has a better minutes per goal ratio than Firmino.
Origi: 117
Firmino: 194
Means Origi scores more whenever he plays.
Origi is a big game player, Firmino ghosts in big games while statpads against smaller clubs.
Origi in big games:

2x⚽ vs BVB (UEL QF)
2x⚽ vs Barcelona (UCL SF)
Origi has always been more clinical than Firmino.
Shooting success-
Origi: 30.38%
Firmino: 19.76%
Number of goals in champions league final.
Origi: 1
Firmino: 0
Goals for National teams(senior):
Origi: 3
Firmino: 1
Origi is a much better dribbler and more pleasing to eye than Firmino
Dribbles per game-
Origi: 1.8
Firmino: 1.5
Origi iconic moments:
- Brace vs BvB (UEL QF)
- winning goal vs Newcastle
- winning goal in merseyside derby
- brace vs Barca
- winning goal in UCL final
- brace in merseyside derby (19/20)

Firmino iconic moments:
- being a lesbian
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