#The100 fans, particularly fans of Clarke Griffin and season 6: in this thread I'll list all the drawings from Clarke's mindspace in 6x07 and 6x10 that we were able to spot - most of which (over 90) we've been able to identify, with image comparisons to scenes from the show.
Later, I tried to identify the rest of the drawings, with the help of a few people here and on Tumblr.. Episode 6x10 also had more drawings that weren't in 6x07, some images were misindentified, and I decided to redo all the images with better resolution screencaps.
Big thanks to everyone who helped in identifying some of the trickier images, @SheiGarche @Lovestory813 @BellarkeMood @taunadora @becki_travels @fabiana_vec @indreamswake @KindZouzou (Happy birthday!🥳) http://jeanie205.tumblr.com  who's not on birdapp, I hope I didn't forget anyone!
As a bonus, I'll also go over Clarke's drawings from her Shallow Valley home in season 5, which we also saw in the mindspace, and a bit over the audio flashbacks. Special thanks to @klarksbell for removing the background sounds from the scenes.
@osleyreina - this is the special thing I promised a while ago. @theatreStephie @KiaraSol8 @kizo2703 @pkgart1 @SlowBurnMAC @PSatkova @The100Podcast @seitenglueck @heyelizahmorley @clarkesminion
@selflessbellfic - you may prefer the Tumblr version, which I'm going to post later.
See also my earlier thread with an analysis of sets, props and costumes in 6x07 - https://twitter.com/Ivana2804/status/1242892701525315586
or https://travllingbunny.tumblr.com/post/613669631800066048/the-100-6x07-nevermind-costumes-sets-and-props
And finally here are the drawings we've all managed to identify. Some were obvious and taken straight from the scenes (I've been told there's a software for that), others are a bit less straightforward (and several of them were also seen as Clarke's drawings in season 5).
I'm going to do them chronologically, not by episode but by when those things happened in Clarke's life.
Starting with the image of Clarke and Wells as children on the Ark (confirmed by Jason on Twitter). The closest thing in the show is the video of them Jaha watched in 1x12.
The next one was tricky as it's not a scene from the show either. It was first misidentified as Clarke watching what ALIE showed her in 3x16, nuclear plants melting on Earth, but that scene is shown in another drawing.
It shows a young girl watching the Earth from the Ark...
We've decided that this is young Clarke on the Ark. I used the Octavia flashback scene from 1x06 for comparison to show this is an Ark window (not because it's the same scene - which it can't be). But the girl looks younger and is touching the window as if yearning for Earth.
From the flashbacks in 1x03, a year before the Pilot - Abby and Jake during the happy times; Jake when Clarke overheard him tell Abby that Ark was dying and he'd go public with it; Wells during his chess game with Clarke, when she told him about it.
The first scene of the show - the image on the floor in the mindspace version of Clarke's cell in Skybox is the same image she drew on the floor of her actual cell.
This portrait of Abby seems to represent the next scene where Abby told Clarke she was being sent to Earth. When the camera zoomed on it in 6x06, we heard the dialogue from that scene over it (Abby: "I love you so much!" - Clarke "Mom?")
When the camera zoomed on this pic of Wells on the dropship, we heard Wells' voice saying "Welcome back" as he did in that scene.
I've been told that the inscription from the Ark we see below is a Chinese proverb that means, more or less, "A friend in need is a friend indeed".
"We're back bitches!" twice - the second is from Clarke's POV.
The first one was one of the drawings Josephine touched and we heard an audio flashback of it.
Mount Weather - the first time Clarke saw it, after landing.

I spotted the same image among Clarke's drawings we saw in her Shallow Valley home in season 5, though it was really tiny in the background.
There are more images from the Pilot than from any other episode.
It's a pity that the plan to have Eli guest star in 6x07 didn't work out, but at least we had many Wells images and even in the audio flashback - I clearly heard Clarke telling him "How can you forgive me?"/"I blamed you because my father's dead and it's my mother's fault."
Finn with one of the pencils from the shelter he found, trying to impress Clarke.
Brief time of Clarke being happy and infatuated, right before Raven arrived and her heart got broken.
We've had a bit of disagreement about this Bellamy image (or images). It shows up as a part of the drawing of him torturing Lincoln in the scene from 1x07 on one of the walls, but it also appears on its own on the ceiling.
@SheiGarche believes that, since this appears as a part of the Lincoln torture scene, the Bellamy image must be from that episode.
However, while the rest of the scene 100% matches the 1x07 scene, Bellamy's image doesn't match - in posture or expression - anything from that ep..
On the other hand, especially when you look at the Bellamy image on its own, as it is on the ceiling, it looks most like a drawing based on the scene from 1x02 - "I heard you have a gun''...

I think that the ceiling drawing represents season 1 Bellamy in general, and was drawn based on the 1x02 scene. OTOH, the art department made the 1x07 image from the 1x07 scene but couldn't get a good Bellamy angle so they edited in that same Bellamy image in.
You decide.
A Raven portrait, which is probably not about any particular scene (some images just represent certain characters), but it most closely matches this love-triangle moment from 1x08.

The same portrait was seen as one of Clarke's drawings in season 5.
1x09 - negotiations with Anya and the Grounders on the bridge.
Also the first time Clarke has ever seen horses in real life.
Probably some of the Grounder warriors who got burned in the Ring of Fire, but this scene clearly indicated that Clarke was thinking about closing the door on Finn and Bellamy and that they may have been burned.
End of 1x13 - In Mount Weather
This image gave us so much trouble, until it turned out it was just a random woman from Mount Weather who yelled "CONTAINMENT BREACH!" when Clarke entered the mess hall dragging Maya and saw all the people sitting there.
"Welcome to Mount Weather"
Another one of character portraits that are probably not important for any particular scene or moment. But going by Miller's hair and facial hair, it can only be season 2 Miller at the time he and Clarke were both in MW (this is from 2x02).
2x02 - Clarke's shocking discovery
Clarke and Anya escaping Mount Weather
2x04 Anya after Clarke beat the crap out of her and managed to win their fight. "You fought well".
Now a few more character portraits. This image of Raven with a brace doesn't 100% fit a scene from the show, but it looks a lot like this promo pic of her - except for her red jacket, which she wore in 2x05 when Clarke first saw her with a leg brace.
Since Jaha has a beard and hair, it can only be from season 2 or 3, which limits it to 2x07 or 3x16, the only times he and Clarke were in the same place. I used 2x07 image of non-chipped Jaha, when he came to Camp him and argued for Arkers leaving, pitting him against Clarke.
Portrait of Indra - also probably not about any particular scene, but it looks like their first meeting in 2x07.

This was also one of Clarke's drawings in season 5.
This image is one of the few that were not seen on the memory wall in 6x07, but appeared in 6x10.
Maybe it's because the ALIE projection said in 6x07 her most painful memories were not on the wall - and the scene of Clarke killing Finn was only seen represented in her dark place by the pole and knife.
Maybe she was able to process some of those memories better by 6x10?
And that's not all the trauma from Finn's death: Clarke's memory of Raven holding his body
This profile of Lexa is probably not from any particular scene, but a general image of the warrior leader/ally Lexa from S2. I used the scene of her making a speech in 2x15, but there were scenes in 2x09 (like when she told Clarke that Love is weakness) that looked similar.
(gotta go and walk my dogs now, the prescribed hour when I can do that during curfew has started...🙄 then I'll continue with the thread)
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