...I was just watching 60 minutes program about Holocaust & how today's institution was teaching kids with the next level top-notch technology; if not implemented at every public school sector.
Figures like Freddie Mercury or Wendy O. Williams died early, right? ..So before Coronavirus hit & I had to drive down to office I know I've once tweeted almost fearing for my life, ..just b/c the level of stress was that unbearable. Stuff that happens in minimum wage sector
Which is a recurring form of phenomena for me ever since I was targeted (albeit arbitrarily) of bullying back in 동백초등학교. Something I've had hard time getting myself out of mentally.
I think the social machine is running toward where it serves convenience & comfort of its users in lieu of everything else, which makes ample sense since we do live in an age where sophisticated intelligence is more than rewarded for than physical labor on exponential level.
..So I'm not saying that I'm totally 'erased' out of the system, since, as long as I exist as a physical form & is guided by self-will I'm gonna keep pushing out rhetorics. ..That is whether I work under certified organization or just unemployed w/ nothing to do at home.
You could possibly scoff at this thread as a worthless mumbles of some loser; but I'd leave it that this is the best reasoning I could come up with, there's (also) reason I intentionally put out stuffs like this. I've seen ppl self-immolate, and that's all I'm gonna put at.
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