Can we please all stop posting about weight loss during quarantine and making jokes about starvation because of the lack of supplies in supermarkets because it’s really fucking triggering.
Isolation is tough for all of us and it’s so important that we look after not only eachother but also ourselves as it can have really really detrimental effects on our mental health.
A lot of us struggle with not feeling productive and isolation makes it even harder because we feel lazy and unworthy. There’s also a LOT of extra time to spend with your thoughts and it can be rough if those thoughts aren’t the nicest.
Anyway just a quick reminder that food isn’t something you have to earn. It’s a basic human necessity and you don’t have to base it off of how active or productive you’ve been. Don’t let your ED’s thoughts creep back in during this shitty time.
I’ve recently applied as an online peer coach volunteer for BEAT to use my past experiences for something good rather than something that’s ultimately going to send me spiralling backwards.
In the long run, relapse is going to take away a lot more of your time than isolation is going to do. This isn’t going to last forever.
You can follow @shannon_lbbh.
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