My entire business relies on the United States Postal Service.

Think about every purchase you make from an artists’ store, it’s probably shipping via USPS.

Please take the time to contact your reps about this, it’s really important, and a good way to support artists.
So let’s say you’re buying a pin from an artist, you’re probably being charged between $3 and $5 shipping (domestically.) That’s because USPS offers low rates for packages under 1lb. The rate is variable based on how far away you live, but for the most part $5 is the max.
So if I’m shipping a 5oz parcel from WA to CT, the USPS postage is $3.67.

UPS Ground is $11.12
FedEx Ground is $11.66

Artist’s shops already get complaints from customers about shipping rates, I doubt anyone would be okay paying more than double what they used to.
Customers who can’t, or don’t want, to pay $11 shipping on a $15 pin aren’t going to buy from artists. I don’t blame them, that seems ludicrous.

But that’s what will happen if the USPS doesn’t receive funding by June.

Support artists, support postal workers, call your reps.
Here’s a thread that goes into the situation in more detail:

I hope my thread personalized this issue for folks, and made you realize how important this issue is!!

You can follow @AndreaDemonakos.
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