I hate to say this😬 but Something about Easter this year isn’t sitting right with me. All the posts with Bible verses, “he has risen”, online sermons, Easter baskets and filters etc... They’re repetitive and shallow. But Everyone has the right to celebrate how they please.
I think I just don’t like being a Christian with other Christians.(that makes no sense😂) I don’t like the holidays and traditions. We go to church on Sundays. Bible Study on Wednesdays. Easter and Christmas we REALLY have to go to church.😒It’s just all so artificial.
Maybe my issue is that my relationship with God is exactly that... a relationship. I’m getting to know him at my own pace, and I still question a lot of stuff that just seems to come so easily to other people. Everyone is just so ecstatic, and I’m still slowly processing.
Nonethless, I’m thankful Jesus died for our sins,b/c babyyy I am a sinner!😂😬I sin on accident, on purpose, and just to see what might happen.🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m a hot mess, but somehow God still loves and shows me grace. Shits weird I don’t get it. Don’t mind me.I’m just talking to myself.
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