lmfaoooo that change in tone in your parent’s voice when they want something from you...
i swear y’all i’ve seen it all
i’ve seen the tears when they know they wrong but they don’t know how to deal with guilt so they’d rather pretend you hurt them
i’ve seen them turn valid critique of their treatment towards me into a matter of me not loving them
i’ve seen them blatantly lie about their actions to my face cause they can’t accept that they are harmful and don’t wanna deal with the guilt
i’ve seen them tell their lies to other people in hopes that those people will do their bidding
i’ve seen the surprise on their face when they’ve tried their shit in front of others adults and those adults have called them out
the list goes on and all i can do is laugh
real talk these niggas fucking annoying and i can’t wait to get away permanently so they can be miserable alone cause i will not be answering the phone lol
i don’t like them at all and i told them this one time when i was younger and they got real offended but truly now i’m just like u heard a child say they don’t like you and instead of investigating the reasons why they feel that way, the response was well “that hurt my feelings”
one of the very many reasons why i have given up on all these niggas and i’m only here cause i have to be and i have little interest in maintaining any kind of relationship with them. i care about them but just like i’m not gon pretend i know them or that they deserve to know me
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