I have a growing fear that we as a nation and as a people are not grasping, and certainly not prepared for, the sustained economic, social, and personal trauma we are going to experience collectively and very very individually. The time to help was yesterday. Act accordingly
I’m kinda an observant person and what I’m observing terrifies me. The lag time of everything with this pandemic is distorting our reactions and our plans if we can call them that. What we do now is to lessen what was in the works weeks ago. But it’s bigger than that...
The damage to the ‘non-essentials’ (nice to be called that, isn’t it?) is gonna gut us. Cuz we’re a staggeringly unequal society where essentially everyone who’s not rich is non-essential in some form or fashion. We are all one bad break away from ruin and this is happening now.
The growing lines of cars at food banks, the growing camps of people without shelter or support, the growing disaster of a health care system dependent on jobs that are gone, the growing lines of unemployed while stocks go up, this is happening now. And it’s gonna get worse...
You see we didn’t do anything substantial during our incredible decades-long run of good luck. And now our luck has run out. We are now exposed as the country that wasted the greatest advantages in the history of the universe on stock buy backs and on hate marketed as liberty.
I feel like a lifeguard in the time of tsunamis.
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